Best Choice for: Hyzer putting, Windy putts, Reliable approach shots
Date of Approval: 05/20/08
The Pig is an overstable Putt & Approach disc. It is great for hyzer putting, sidearm approaches and backhand spikes. The Pig holds the line well, even in extreme wind conditions. The Pig features a Thumtrac® Rim for sure grips on sidearm throws and putts. It performs equally well for backhand or sidearm throws.
The Pro Pig is in my bag now after playing in strong winds and lacking a stable mid-range upshot disc. I use the Pig at medium range, and also for short side arm shots. It is very stable with a strong purpose.
The R-Pro Pig is a mainstay in my bag for the predictable flight of a sidearm upshot. It has rewarded me with many (get out of trouble) shots. I can also count on the Pig for putting in windy conditions.