2017 Holiday Disc Design Contest

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Innova Christmas Discs

Yep, we agree… it’s a little early to be thinking about the holidays. But, creating good art takes time. And you never know when a good idea will strike. So, we’re letting all you creatives know now, the 2017 Holiday Disc Design Contest is here and we want you to participate.

Submitted designs will be reviewed by our IHC (Innova Holiday Committee). Innova will select two designs to be the featured disc themes honoring our 2017 Holiday Season. Three additional runner-up designs will also be selected. All finalists will receive Innova prizes and hyzer holiday cheer!

Our grand prize winners will each receive 20 discs hot-stamped with their very own Holiday design. As an additional stocking-stuffer, our distinguished disc designers will also receive 150,000 Innova Factory Store points. Our three Runner-Up designs will each be awarded 50,000 points.
For a chance to become a part of Innova’s Christmas Disc history, review the below steps to submit your designs. Good luck and Happy Holiday Disc Designing!

Congratulations to our Winners!

Michael Ramanauskas
Levi Whitpan
Wayne Slaydon
Caleb Blatz
Paul McAllister

Rules & Regulations:

  1. Design submission window: 11/08 through 11/20, 11:00pm PST
  2. Winners will be announced on 11/22
  3. Holiday Designs will feature a one-color golf size design following our hotstamp guide regulations found here.

  4. All designs must be submitted through our official Innova Holiday Design Form and Dropbox. The IHC will only review designs that are submitted through the supported method. Facebook posts or other outlets will not be eligible.
  5. Innova reserves the right to use featured designs on products intended for sale.
  6. Points are not redeemable for cash value.
  7. By participating in this contest, you are confirming that your state and/or local laws do not prohibit such contests.