4.8.13Congratulations to Innova’s top performers this weekend! Joe Rovere wins big in Colorado taking down a 61 player pro field. Paul McBeth wins with a...More
02.28.13 Innova Pulsar to be the Official Disc of the MLU Philadelphia, PA (February 26, 2013) – Major League Ultimate and Innova Discs have reached...More
02.08.13 2013 Champion ReleasesWe’ve released the Champion Roc3 & Champion Tern! The Champion Roc3 is a fast, straight Roc that excels at controlled approaches and...More
01.31.13 The European Open Experience The European Open is known for amazing hospitality, a top-level professional atmosphere and for having the biggest and most generous...More
12.13.12 1st Run Roc3 Giveaway.We’ve released the Champion Roc3 first production run! The Champion Roc3 is a fast, straight Roc that excels at controlled approaches...More