Gregg Barsby Joins Team Champion

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Do you hold any course records?
Gregg: I still have just over 10 course records I think. All around the country. My favorite one is at BlueGill in the Grand Rapids area. That was one of McBeth’s training courses before Worlds. He spent a couple of weeks there so I was stoked to get that record. It was one of the best rounds of my life. I also have a 1084-rated round logged at Milo West in Oregon. That was another memorable round but I don’t know if it is a record.
We noticed a Barsby for President post on Facebook. That’s actually not a bad idea. If we made you president of Innova, what would you do on your first day in office?
Gregg: I would bring all team members together and make sure our core values are on the same page. I would make sure we were in position to be as successful as we could be. I would also make sure our actions are truly helping the core retailers. And on the course I want to continue Innova’s winning tradition for many years to come.
You have a busy tournament schedule coming up. What are some events you are excited about?
Gregg: All of them. Beaver State, King of the Lake, Maple Hill, European and Scandinavian Open, Pro Words, Ledgestone, Hall of Fame Classic, and the USDGC.
Throughout your travels you have built up a substantial fan base. Tell us a little bit about that.
Gregg: Ahh, the Barsby Empire. It is cool to see how much love there is out there. People who accept and support me just the way I am.
Gregg Barsby

Photos courtesy of Corduroy Photography

Is that Barsby Empire, Inc.?
Gregg: Just Barsby Empire…. for now.
So if you could only play one more round, where and with who would you play?
Gregg: Pickard Park, right outside Des Moines. I would play with the Champ (Ken Climo), Mike Williams, and Tom Johnson who is actually a really good golfer on the PGA Tour. Tom is pretty good disc golfer as well.
Is music still an important part of your life?
Gregg: Yes, music is huge for me. Drumming is a big part of my life. I am actually setting up a kit today in Sacramento and plan to do a video shoot with a friend of mine. Long term I still plan to pursue music during the times when my disc golf schedule isn’t so packed.
What kind of music do you like?
Gregg: I listen to everything. But mostly hip hop. And extreme forms of metal. I just picked up a bunch of new CDs, actually.
What?! CDs… you do know they have music on the Internet now, right?
Gregg: I am old school. Nothing online for me. I like to support the bands by purchasing CDs. That’s just my preference. I spend a lot of time in the car so I always get my music fix.
So no headphones on the course?
Gregg: No, because I can’t find a DiscMan with a good enough skip protector. I can’t be scratching up all my stuff up.
You must have a ton of CDs.
Gregg: One of my greatest organizational strengths is with my CD collection. Keeping them all straight is a top priority.
That’s awesome, Gregg. Thank you for your time. We wish you the best of luck throughout the year.
Gregg: Thank you!