Pre-Worlds Interview: Will Schusterick

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Will Schusterick is considered to be one of the favorites entering the 2012 World Championships in Charlotte. He has been traveling constantly all season with Dave Feldberg, Nikko Locastro, and Cale Leiviska as part of the NonStop Disc Golf Crew. Not only has he won in the US, Will has also notched wins in Japan and Sweden. We sat down with Will recently to get his thoughts on the season, life on the road, and to just generally shoot the breeze. Here’s what went down…

First off, congratulations on winning the Stockholm Open, your second Major championship and now 6th win of the season. Can you compare how it feels to play in other countries, as compared to the big events here at home?
Will: In other countries, disc golf tournaments usually are not every weekend. But when they do have a tournament, whether its a C-Tier or Major, it is treated to the highest level of competition and professionalism. I am always very impressed by the way they treat the sport.
Of your wins this season, which one are you the most proud of?
Will: I am proud of all of my wins this year! There are more and more players who seem to be getting better and raising the competition level to a point where its getting hard to get wins.

Photo by US Disc Golf Championship
The NSDG crew has been on the road pretty much all year long. Give us a high point, and a low point of the journey thus far.
Will: High point I think would be going to 20 or so schools across the country teaching disc golf to their gym classes including a couple Deaf Academies. Low point is paying for gas. Nobody wants to pay for gas!
You and Nikko seem to be especially close friends. How has traveling and competing so much together shaped that relationship?
Will: Nikko is like a brother to me, no doubt about that. We have lived a very similar life and obviously live the same lifestyle as a touring Disc Golfer. Nikko is one of the most competitive people I have ever met. Whether it’s playing basketball with Dave or playing mini golf or throwing distance shots, he wants to win and I don’t wanna lose! Its always good to have someone like that around keeping you on your toes competitively and also so easy to relate to off the course.